2.Sleep Soundly:

Do you ever feel like nodding off after dining Thanksgiving with your family? This is so because turkey includes a chemical known as tryptophan, which makes one drowsy. Honey also includes this chemical, which, taken before bed, can improve your sleep quality. Try a cup of noncaffeinated honey-sweetened tea if you find difficulty sleeping. Honey's sleep-promoting qualities have scientific basis beyond only its tryptophan concentration. Honey causes a minor increase in insulin levels when ingested, which facilitates tryptophan's more simple entry into the brain. Once within the brain, tryptophan is turned into serotonin, which can subsequently be changed into melatonin, the hormone in charge of controlling sleep cycles. Moreover, honey's natural sugar content helps to keep steady blood sugar levels throughout night, therefore reducing middle-of- the-night awakening brought on by blood sugar fluctuations. To maximize the sleep-promoting properties of raw honey, several sleep experts advise having a teaspoon approximately half an hour before bed.