1. Healthier Cholesterol Levels

Almonds lower bad LDL cholesterol while raising good HDL cholesterol as high cholesterol increases your risk for heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral artery disease. Almonds are a great friend in preserving cardiovascular health as their very effect on cholesterol is rather amazing.
Substitution of almonds for harmful snacks like chips or candies will help you lower your bad cholesterol by 10% due of the vitamin E content in the nutmeat and flavonoids in the papery peel of the almond. This notable drop boosts your heart health in the actual world, not only numbers-wise. Almonds can greatly stop the production of artery-clogging plaque, a main cause of cardiovascular illnesses, by reducing LDL cholesterol.
Furthermore, the special mix of nutrients in almonds enhances general lipid profiles by means of synergistic action. This process depends much on the monounsaturated fats in almonds, especially oleic acid. Often referred to as the "good," HDL cholesterol is raised in addition to being lowered by these healthy fats. almonds were especially heart-friendly food because of their dual impact on cholesterol levels. Regular almond intake—even in modest amounts like four daily—can help greatly lower risk of heart disease and preserve normal cholesterol levels.