8. Great Source of Vitamin C

One of the best sources of vitamin C, a vital element for maintaining general health is onions. This strong antioxidant strengthens your immune system, so enabling your body to more successfully fight against infections and diseases. Moreover, vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, a main component of cartilage that cushions and supports your joints.
Unlike many other food sources of this important vitamin, onions' amount of vitamin C is especially helpful since it stays somewhat constant after cooking. Excellent for your daily diet, one medium-sized onion can supply up to 20% of your needed vitamin C. Together with other elements in onions, this vitamin C helps them to be more generally beneficial.
Apart from immune support and collagen generation, the vitamin C in onions has several purposes in the body. It encourages good skin development, helps iron from plant-based diets to be absorbed, and works as a strong antioxidant shielding cells from injury. Combining vitamin C with the flavonoids of onions produces a strong antioxidant action that helps fight oxidative stress all across the body.
Moreover, tissue repair and wound healing depend much on vitamin C. While promoting appropriate immune function, regular onion eating can help to preserve healthy skin, bones, and blood vessels. Including onions in your diet will help guarantee you get enough vitamin C, which supports a strong immune system and good cartilage development for better mobility and joint condition.