The 22 Special Bridges In The World - This One Takes The Cake

16. Hanging Bridge Of Ghasa, Nepal

Seeing donkeys and goats crossing the Ghasa Hanging Bridge could make you worried about their safety. Found in Nepal's Annapurna area, this amazing suspension bridge crosses a deep gorge and is essential for the local people as well as for their animals. Built to offer a safer substitute for the perilous mountain paths once used, the about 115-meter long bridge hangs at an amazing height. Although outsiders would find it unstable, the local residents and animals have adapted amazingly effectively to include this bridge into their daily lives. For many guests, the sight of nimble-footed goats and heavily loaded donkeys negotiating the wobbling construction is both amazing and terrifying. Though it looks delicate, the bridge is built to resist not only animal weight but also the extreme Himalayan weather. Crossing this bridge is usually a highlight of the Annapurna Circuit trekking trip since it provides amazing views of the nearby mountains and valleys. The Hanging Bridge of Ghasa is evidence of human creativity in conquering geographical obstacles and the flexibility of people and animals toward their surroundings.

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