6. An elephant’s pregnancy lasts 95 weeks. You’ve got to be kidding me.

The magnificent matriarchs of the savanna, elephants represent motherhood with the longest gestation time among all mammals. Carrying their offspring for 22 months, nearly two years, is evidence of the gentle upbringing these intellectual giants get. This protracted pregnant time emphasizes the complicated developmental requirements of these big-brained animals and makes it possible for them to have the sophisticated neural connections and social awareness recognized for elephants.
Born into a complex social group where aunts and elder siblings help moms raise their young, calves, weighing in at a startling 120 kg at birth, are Elephant calf survival and social development depend on this shared method of child-rearing, sometimes termed as "allomothering." It guarantees the calf is always sheltered and cared for and lets the mother relax and feed.
Pregnant elephants also use low-frequency rumbles called infrasound. Although the exact goal is yet unknown, it might be a means of communication between expectant women, maybe giving information on their condition or scheduling birthing schedules. Long-distance communication inside the herd is made possible by these vocalizations, which can travel miles.
The protracted gestation period influences the elephant's reproductive cycle as well. Usually just once every four to five years, female elephants put a great lot of energy and resources into each offspring. This approach guarantees that every calf gets the best possible treatment, therefore raising its chances of survival in the difficult savanna habitat.