See These 8 Animals Right Before Their Babies Arrive

5. The baby is definitely very warm under this coat.

A horse, her rounded belly revealing the secret life growing inside, exudes peaceful power and loving expectation. She is birthing the miracle of a new horse for about 11 months, 330 to 345 days, starting a transforming journey paralleled by both hopes and fears. The foal will be able to stand and run soon after birth thanks to this longer gestation time allowing for total development. Though not clearly visible beyond minute physical changes, the complex symphony buried within the pregnant horse is amazing. From minuscule one-month-old embryo to three-month-old identifiable fetus with limb buds growing and a beating heart, the young colt grows shockingly quickly. Six months later the foal has developed hair coat and tiny horse-like hooves. This internal dance requires more nutrients from the mother—up to 50% during the last trimester—which calls for strict diet control and monitoring. The mare's body changes in metabolism, cardiovascular system, and hormone levels among other things to help her growing foal. As she gets ready for motherhood, her protective instincts also get stronger; she often becomes more wary and picky about her surrounds. Long before birth, mare and foal have a relationship whereby the unborn foal responds to the motions and sounds of her mother. After birth, this association gets stronger since the mare gives her young not only food but also necessary social and behavioral direction. Seeing a pregnant horse grazing contentedly in a pasture reminds one strongly of the daily natural wonders that take place in the animal world.

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