See These 8 Animals Right Before Their Babies Arrive

3. Believe it or not, snakes can be pregnant too.

Though not everyone's preferred species, snakes are vital in many different ecosystems all throughout the planet. Depending on the species, a female snake's pregnancy can proceed rather differently. While some animals even hold their eggs inside until they hatch, others lay eggs (oviparous), and still others give birth to live offspring (viviparous). Snakes can have anywhere from few months to more than a year for pregnancy, and the number of babies born might vary from few to over 100. To help her growing kids grow, the pregnant mother snake will have to eat more often. Her metabolism rises greatly, and she frequently looks for warmer environments to assist keep ideal body temperature for embryonic growth. During this period the pregnant woman becomes more susceptible since her weight and girth make moving more difficult. She has to carefully weigh her hunger for food against the hazards of hunting while carrying her children. In animals that lay eggs, the mother chooses a nesting place with great regard for temperature, humidity, and predator protection. Usually left to fend for itself once the offspring are born or eggs hatch, they will naturally know how to hunt and survive in their surroundings. For people who value the beauty and diversity of the natural world, seeing a baby snake emerge from its egg or seeing a mother snake tending to her young may be an amazing experience even if snakes may not be the most cuddly species. The several ways that different snake species reproduce highlight the amazing adaptations these reptiles have evolved over millions of years.

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