See These 8 Animals Right Before Their Babies Arrive

2. Everything becomes mission impossible.

People all throughout the world fall in love with giraffes, magnificent and intriguing animals. Once pregnant, a female giraffe will carry her kid for almost 15 months until delivering it. The development of such a big calf depends on this quite long gestation time. The mother giraffe has to keep her regular routines while bearing a growing weight, which makes even basic chores more difficult during pregnancy. Giraffe pregnancies are special since the mother delivers birth standing up and the infant falls from a height of roughly five feet to the ground. Though it may seem like a difficult beginning to life, this is a necessary process that promotes rapid standing-up and stimulates the baby's breathing. Actually, the fall helps the calf's airways clear and triggers its survival instincts. Among the biggest newborn mammals, giraffes are already approximately six feet tall and weigh up to 150 pounds. Beginning nursing from their mother during the first hour of life, they will continue for roughly one year. The calf grows quickly in its first few months thanks in great part to the very rich nutrients in the mother's milk. Young giraffes will start to explore their surroundings and pick up vital abilities including running and evading predators as they get older. Giraffes are really among the most amazing animals on the planet with their long necks and unique patterns. The mother's commitment during pregnancy and early calf care reveals the amazing adaptations these creatures have evolved for African savanna survival.

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