Man Thought He Found A Puppy In The Forest – Then Vet Calls The Police

44.The Baby raccoon was isolated

As Addison realised the scope of his inadvertent error, his anxiety mounted. Already, the veterinary team acted quickly to apply isolation rules, isolating the sick animal in a separate quarantine space apart from other patients. The veterinarian went over the required safety measures, including disinfection protocols for every area the animal had come into touch with. The careful, systematic approach the team took to manage the crisis—their motions deliberate and exact to reduce any possibility of cross-contamination— reflected the weight of the circumstances. Bringing a possibly sick wild animal into a clinic full of domestic animals was clearly having negative consequences. Although the veterinarian told Addison they had a lot of expertise with such circumstances, his voice clearly showed concern. Every surface, every space the animal had been in, would have to be rigorously cleaned following precise guidelines. While the animal's entire degree of illness was being evaluated and the best course of action was decided upon, the isolation unit—a specially built room with its own ventilation system—would become its temporary residence.

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