Man Thought He Found A Puppy In The Forest – Then Vet Calls The Police

2.A big mistake

Addison was smacked on the shoulder by the veterinarian, who also stated, "It's not your fault. But you should take it back into the forest and leave it alone." This unanticipated advise surprises Addison. She had come to the clinic hoping to assist the creature, maybe even find it a new home. The Vet's comments now present a somewhat different picture of the circumstances. The pleasant touch on her shoulder feels like a consolation award for her misdirected attempts. Questions and worries spin through Addison's head. Should she bring it back to the forest? Is it lethal? On its own, will it survive? The vet's cool head says that this is not unusual, but for Addison, it's startling disclosure. Feeling both connection and doubt, she stares down at the little animal. Although she knows the vet's advise comes from a place of knowledge and experience, the thought of leaving it alone in the large forest seems harsh. Addison comes to see that her good intentions might have unintentionally upset the balance of things. She starts to realise as she muses about the vet's comments that occasionally the greatest approach to assist animals is to let it run wild free from human intrusion.

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