Man Thought He Found A Puppy In The Forest – Then Vet Calls The Police

18.Parking garage

Addison discovers his car vanished when he gets at the yard. Addison feels somewhat weird after losing his automobile. His mission to assist the rescued animal is threatened by an immediate issue resulting from his car's sudden absence. Addison feels a surge of contradictory feelings as he stands in the vacant parking lot his car ought to be in. The security of his meticulously thought out rescue operation feels jeopardised right away. The fluorescent lights of the parking lot create strong shadows across the vacant area, therefore distorting the reality of the circumstances. His mind runs over the events of the morning, searching for any odd behaviour or people he might have observed. The weight of responsibility for the creature under his care gets even more weight when he understands this problem can cause delay or prevention of appropriate veterinary treatment. He is not lost in the strangeness of the circumstances; first the enigmatic animal, then his vanished car.

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