Man Thought He Found A Puppy In The Forest – Then Vet Calls The Police

16.Another idea

After all, the little black puppy might not find a habitat in this wilderness. Addison disagreed and had another plan. Maybe someone arrived here with it. This fresh idea creates a universe of concerning opportunities. Addison muses on this situation and thinks through the consequences of human intervention in the nearby ecology. Was someone bringing this species here deliberate or inadvertent? Given his discovery—so deep in the forest—the site points to intentional placement rather than chance abandonment. His brain runs over the native species of animals, seeking to compare their traits with those of recognised local species. The fact that this might be an exotic animal illegally introduced into the wild adds still another level of complication to the matter—an invading species. Addison understands that his obligations now go beyond merely looking after one animal; he could have to notify environmental authorities about a possibly more significant problem compromising the ecosystem of the forest.

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