Man Thought He Found A Puppy In The Forest – Then Vet Calls The Police

14.It looks like it is raining

Addison kept looking at his car even after putting the puppy to it when he got back home. Addison stayed fascinated by the animal as he stared at it even though it was going to rain. Still staring at the animal, he believes it is not a puppy. While he investigates the creature more closely, the oncoming storm clouds give stronger lighting and cause urgency in his analysis. Under the shifting light, some elements stand more clearly: the form of the ears, the texture of the fur, the limb proportion - all suggesting something wild rather than domestic. The approaching rain brings a reduction in temperature; Addison observes how the animal reacts differently to these environmental changes than to a normal puppy. Its responses show a wildness absent of tamed animals, more in line with natural factors. Now more apparent in the car's interior light, the creature's eyes exhibit a unique form and colour pattern never seen in any dog breed. These findings only confirm his increasing doubts about the possible complexity of this rescue, which once seemed straightforward.

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