Man Thought He Found A Puppy In The Forest – Then Vet Calls The Police

13.Walking time

Addison constructed a makeshift cover out of his travel bag since he thought carrying the puppy would be too risky even if it was two hours away. This homemade fix shows Addison's fast thinking and pragmatic knowledge of animal rescue. He places the bag deliberately to create a dark, safe area that would relax the creature throughout travel. Maintaining appropriate temperature, guaranteeing enough ventilation, and reducing animal discomfort are among the several difficulties the two-hour trip ahead offers. Addison's worries about direct handling reflect his developing mistrust about the creature's actual nature. To provide extra padding inside the homemade carrier, he makes use of his jacket, therefore preventing jostling of the animal throughout the walk. The temporary shelter must be strong enough to stop escape while yet allowing ample airflow. Addison keeps an eye on the animal's behaviour as he works, observing how different its reactions are from those of normal household dogs he has rescued in the past.

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