Man Thought He Found A Puppy In The Forest – Then Vet Calls The Police

12.The Human Problem

Nature nor animals could be in charge. That reduced the available choice to one. humans. But why would someone know it was a dog or even abandon a puppy alone in the forest? Though he had many questions, Addison lacked solutions. The enigma gets a troubling layer from the likelihood of human participation. Addison's head runs through several situations, each more unpleasant than the next. Was this a sign of desertion if humans were responsible? Maybe something more complicated as well. The site looks far enough for casual disposal of unwanted animals. The purposeful placement or amazing serendipity suggested by the careful placing close to the natural den Addison's encounters with both human and natural environments teach him that these kind of coincidences are unusual. Knowing he needs more information first, he pauses even though he would want to report possible animal meddling to local authorities. Although the whole scenario seems controlled, the goal is yet unknown. His years of animal rescue have taught him that human interactions with animals sometimes have unanticipated results; this case seems to fully reflect that idea.

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