Man Thought He Found A Puppy In The Forest – Then Vet Calls The Police

11.It's not so easy

Naturalistically, it is quite odd to locate moss next to a tiny black puppy. Perhaps it's an animal's nest. Not known is Addison. As he pays closer attention to his surroundings, the oddity of the circumstances becomes clearer. Unlike the haphazard patterns usually observed in nature, the area covered in moss near where he discovered the creature seemed purposefully designed. This minute detail sets off Addison's experienced instincts since something doesn't fit. The site seems more like a natural den or nest than a haphazard place a pet dog might have stumbled to. With worn tracks and faint traces of habitation that Addison's trained eye can find, the moss pattern shows consistent use by animals. His head spins with possibilities: might this be a fox den? Where do coyotes rest? The more he sees, the more certain he gets that this place has relevance in ways he hadn't first thought of. With its deliberate location close to water supplies and natural shelter, the area's natural design speaks more of wild animal habitat than one where a domestic dog would naturally be located.

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