Man Thought He Found A Puppy In The Forest – Then Vet Calls The Police

10.Are you in pain?

After further inspection, Addison enquired, "Is this a puppy?" Feeling terrified and lonely, he looked healthy and seemed to have been hurt just by tumbling into a hole. The first inspection gave Addison's seasoned eyes both relief and worry. Running his hands lightly over the small creature's body, he looked for any outward injuries or broken bones. The animal's small cardiac pulse was consistent against his hand. Though the fall, there were no obvious cuts or trauma symptoms. Though somewhat damp from the moisture in the cave, the black fur of the creature was whole and devoid of evidence of struggle. The animal's odd peacefulness most perplexed Addison; normally injured puppies would whirl or struggle, but this one stayed shockingly silent. He observed minute elements that were somewhat off: the fur's texture wasn't quite right for a domestic dog, and the head's form appeared rather odd from any puppy breed he recognised. These facts started to sow uncertainty in his mind on the actual nature of the creature.

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