Man Thought He Found A Puppy In The Forest – Then Vet Calls The Police

During his morning walk over the thick woodland next to his house, Addison came upon what he thought to be an abandoned dog. Shivering and apparently alone, the small creature was curled behind a dropped log. Addison went back to his car, scooping up the hairy bundle without thinking and softly cuddling it against his chest. Driven directly to the neighbourhood veterinarian clinic, Addison was worried about the welfare of the animal. The receptionist hurried him into an exam room as he tore through the doors. The seasoned veterinarian, Dr. Martinez, looked at the creature in Addison's arms once and became sombre. "I'm sorry, but it's too late," Dr. Martinez stated gently. "This is a fox kit, not a puppy; it's already gone." The vet's explanation—that the little fox had most likely been abandoned by its mother owing to illness or injury—sank Addison's heart She kindly advised that letting nature run its course would be the wisest course of action—that is, returning the gear back into the forest. Devastated by the result but seeing the wisdom in the vet's comments, Addison nodded gravely. He came to see that in the delicate balance of life, occasionally involvement isn't always the greatest solution in spite of best intentions.

1.It's not a puppy

The veterinarian tells Addison the dog doesn't look like a puppy at all, and she is stunned. She is briefly mute in the antiseptic examination room as the disclosure strikes like a lightning. Addison's mind racing as she cradles the little, hairy creature in her arms trying to make sense of this surprising knowledge. She had been so sure, so persuaded that she had pulled an abandoned puppy from the wilderness. She looks down at the animal now, and its features seem to move before her view. She had thought of her snout as absolutely puppy-like, but it now seems slightly extended. Once floppy in her mind, the ears now seem more pointed and vigilant. Under her fingers, even the creature's fur—which she had thought of as just puppy fluff—has a strange touch. Confusion and anxiety abound in Addison's racing heart. She questions how this will affect the small animal she intended to assist. She wonders: If it isn't a puppy, what then is it? Is it unwild? Domesticized? Danger present? Addison gets ready for additional surprises as the veterinarian starts to explain since she realises that her well-meaning rescue could be more difficult than she first considered.

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