8. The cat that likes to sleep in grocery bags

Among the soaring shelves and symphony of shopping carts in the busy aisles of a grocery store, an inquisitive creature finds home. This is Baggins, the grocery bag connoisseur, a cat ravenous for the crinkly paper havens.
Sarah, Baggins' owner, first observed her cat's odd fixation when she brought groceries home. She discovered Baggins curled up within, his eyes closed in pleasure, as she sifted the objects. Sarah knew she own a special cat from that day forward.
Baggins' passion for supermarket bags is unbounded. Known to have crept into the kitchen and pilfers empty bags, he left a path of paper devastation in his wake. Sarah has tried everything to discourage Baggins' habit, but he always manages to find a way to sate his paper needs.
Though he has naughty inclinations, Sarah loves her cat that loves supermarket bags. Baggins's pranks inject some fun into her life, and his passion of basic pleasures reminds us to value the little pleasures in daily life.