Can't Look Away! 13 Fabulous Cat Celebs To Stalk Online

7. The flower pot cat

Within the turmoil of daily life in the middle of a busy metropolitan apartment is a secret garden of peace. At its middle is a magnificent potted plant with vivid green leaves pointing skyward. On closer investigation, though, one might see something odd: a pair of piercing orange eyes staring out from behind the vegetation. This is Marmalade, the master of disguise—not any typical plant. Marmalade has become a master at concealment with his fiery fur and love of mixing in. Often confused with a component of the décor, his still figure fits the surrounding landscape perfectly. Owner of Marmalade, Emily, decided one day to fool her naive visitors. She arranged Marmalade amid her potted plants, waiting for the ideal opportunity to reveal her furry gift. Her visitors were shocked to see Marmalade suddenly come to life with a playful meow as they were appreciating the rich vegetation. Emily always smiles when Marmalade does his pranks. His feline creativity and fun attitude are shown in his capacity to become an inanimate item. He's a real reminder that there's always space for some unanticipated enjoyment even in the middle of the everyday.

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