3. Practicing for the opera

Muffin, a grey tabby with dreams outside her windowsills, started a brave, new adventure in a small, brilliantly lit living room. Inspired by the soaring operas her human, Thomas, loved, she made the decision to perform herself. Muffin theatrically mimicked leading an orchestra using a makeshift stage built from old crates and a captive audience made of fluffy toys. Her more complex performances included dramatic pauses, crescendos of purrs, and precisely timed meows that seemed to fit Thomas's preferred arias. Her tail would keep perfect time with the imaginary music as she stood on her hind legs, front paws waving elegantly through the air like a seasoned conductor. Her personal opera house grew out of the living room, furnished with cardboard curtains and a designated area for her "orchestra" of toy mice. Thomas started videotaping her performances and distributing them to friends and relatives similarly enthralled by Muffin's artistic efforts. Her fervent performance of "The Meowritone's Opera" shot to popularity and attracted fans much beyond their small residence.