11. When your cat is actually a bat:

Deep in the underbeneering of the city, a feline guardian kept a wary eye as shadows moved over the poorly illuminated lanes. Rising on an ancient, rusted cage, this mysterious creature's sharp eyes scanned the streets, always alert for any indication of disturbance.
Called the Bat-Cat, this feline guardian wore a sleek, ebony coat that fit the darkness well. Her ears were twitching all the time, so she listened for the smallest sounds of pain and was ready to respond right away.
Their greedy claws groping for the valuables inside, a terrible bunch of robbers tried to rob a nearby business one fatal night. But the Bat-Cat's sharp senses sensed the incursion, and she leaped from her high perch quickly to land on the unwassuming criminals.
Her claws raw, she swatted and swiped, sending the burglars scurrying in terror. Her terrible yowls alerted the police to the crime still in progress in the alleyway. The Bat-Cat had already locked the pilfers, therefore guaranteeing justice once again by the time the cops showed up. Whipped among the people of the city, the myth of the Bat-Cat developed as a symbol of hope and defense in the darkest of evenings.