9 Positives That Can Happen To Your Body If You Start Eating 2 Eggs Daily

8. They’re not bad for the heart.

Despite what was thought in past decades, egg intake has no direct bearing on heart disease or stroke. On the other hand, other research imply that those with diabetes who eat eggs are more prone to acquire heart disease. Some studies suggest that those who consume eggs and follow a low-carb diet are less likely to get heart disease. Over the past few decades, much research on the link between egg consumption and heart health has produced a major change in scientific knowledge. Modern studies show that the cholesterol in eggs has no effect on blood cholesterol levels as before assumed. The secret is realizing that compared to saturated and trans fats, dietary cholesterol has a far smaller effect on blood cholesterol levels. In healthy people, large-scale epidemiological research have not established any appreciable correlation between egg intake and cardiovascular disease. Actually, eggs are high in heart-healthy vitamins including B12, folate, and riboflavin, which help control homocysteine levels—a risk factor for heart disease. Through lower inflammation and better lipid profiles, the phospholipids in egg yolks might potentially help prevent cardiovascular disease. Those with certain medical disorders, however, should discuss optimal egg intake amounts with their doctors.

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