9 Positives That Can Happen To Your Body If You Start Eating 2 Eggs Daily

6. Some eggs are better for you.

Omega-3 lowers triglycerides, a kind of lipid fat in blood. If you dislike other foods (fish, nuts, seeds) naturally high in Omega-3s, you could be able to enjoy Omega-3 rich eggs. Considered normal are triglycerides less than 150; 150–199 are borderline high; 200–499 are high; and 500 and above are very high. Not all eggs are made equal, and depending on how the chickens are grown and fed, the nutritional value might change greatly. Hens fed a diet high in flaxseed, algae, or fish oil produce omega-3 enhanced eggs with up to three times more omega-3 fatty acids than regular eggs. Compared to roughly 30 mg in ordinary eggs, these specialized eggs can have between 100–500 mg of omega-3s per egg. Studies have indicated that by lowering triglyceride levels and hence reducing inflammation, eating omega-3 enhanced eggs can assist to improve heart health. Because of the chickens' improved diet, these eggs also typically have more selenium and vitamin E. A better option for health-conscious consumers, free-range and pasture-raised eggs also usually have higher amounts of vitamins A and E and up to twice the amount of omega-3 fatty acids as conventional eggs.

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