Painting her creatures with an amazing palette that occasionally appears almost too perfect to be true, Mother Nature shows herself to be the supreme artist. She has produced living works of art from the depths of rainforest bottom to far-off river waters that highlight her limitless inventiveness and flare for the unique.
We have compiled photographs of some of the most brilliantly coloured species on Earth in this collection. These animals challenge our preconceptions of natural colors by flaunting hues so vivid and surprising that they seem nearly extraterrestrial. Imagine, if you will, frogs dressed in royal purple whose skin glistens in the dappled forest light like amethysts. Imagine instead dolphins, not in their customary grey but in startling pink, gliding across the sea like living neon streaks.
These vivid creatures are evidence of the amazing variety of life on Earth as well as aesthetically beautiful. Every unusual hue has a function—from romance to camouflage to communication. A poison dart frog's electric blue alerts predators of its poison; peacock iridescent feathers are the natural equivalent of a brilliant wooing show.
As you study these pictures, get ready to be astounded by Mother Nature's artistic ability. From the smallest insects with rainbow-hued wings to mammals flaunting unimaginable colors, every creature is a brushstroke in her great creation. Clearly, nature has allowed her most creative and playful side to run wild in producing these feathered, furred, and scaled wonders.
So back off and savor this visual feast of the most vibrant personalities seen in nature. Allow yourself to be carried into a universe in which every creature appears to be a living, breathing piece of art and reality seems to mix with fiction.
1. All you need to brighten up your day is to bump into this squirrel.

Have you ever come upon a fluffy small ball of happiness that makes your day immediately better? Meet Nutty, the squirrel whose contagious vitality and lighthearted antics are sure to make you grin. A real maestro of mischief, this bushy-tailed marvel will enthrall you with its contagious zeal for life.
Imagine walking across a park and then an orange flash darts across your path. That's Nutty; he never misses a chance for adventure. Curious endlessly, he will rush toward you, maybe even perching on your outstretched palm or climbing onto your shoulder, anxious to meet a new companion. His little paws and quivering whiskers radiate an enchanting appeal that melts even the toughest of hearts.
Still, Nutty's appeal goes much beyond his cute look. See him do incredible acrobatics, effortlessly graceful leaps from branch to branch, or lighthearted antics like chasing his own tail or playfully flinging acorns in the air. His unquenchable excitement is quite contagious and reminds us all to welcome the small pleasures of life. Nutty's acrobatic skills are more than just entertainment value; they are evidence of the amazing agility and flexibility of these little animals in their natural environment.
Meet Nutty and you'll be carried to a world of sheer delight where concerns vanish and laughter becomes the daily language. His presence reminds us gently of the beauty and wonder all around us in nature, sometimes disregarded in our hectic life. Therefore, the next time you're feeling a little low, keep your eyes open for this attractive bundle of energy and let his contagious attitude color your world. Anyone knows? You might find yourself laughing with the natural little comic, forging a memory that will make your heart warm for many days to come.