57 Greatest Aircraft Paint Jobs Of All Time

7.NATO Tiger Meet pt. 2

Following the custom of outstanding aircraft liveries at the NATO Tiger Meet, we come upon yet another gem of military aviation art: the French fighter jet Dassault Rafale M, with an Arctic Tiger motif. This aeroplane presents a different interpretation of the tiger pattern than its predecessor inspired by cats. Unquestionably threatening, the custom-painted Dassault Rafale's sleek form is accentuated by the arresting colour palette. The Arctic Tiger concept is masterfully done; the design finds a suitable canvas on the white and black base colours of the jet. But this aircraft's striking crimson eyes—which contrast sharply with the monochromatic body—define it really. This strong colour choice accentuates the jet's menacing presence in the sky as well as captures the attention. Like its predecessor, this aircraft was painted as part of the NATO Tiger Meet to highlight the ongoing creative inventiveness and ingenuity inspired among cooperating countries. The Arctic Tiger Rafale M reminds us strongly of the junction between military force and creative expression and shows that, even in the realm of high-performance fighter planes, visual impact and innovation are welcome.

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