8. Brussels Griffon

You start to fall in love just looking at this haughty, pinched face! Brussels Griffons are quite rare, hence you won't see them very often. Brussels Griffons almost vanished during World War I and II, despite centuries of existence around Europe. If you have one, don't let these very gregarious dogs alone for very long! Originally developed to fight rats in Belgian stables, these little but powerful dogs have become beloved friends. Their coats could be rough or smooth; they come in four colours: red, black, black and tan, and beige. Their unique human-like gestures and beard-like facial hair help one to identify them right away. Often acting as though they are far more than their little stature suggests, Brussels Griffons are renowned for their self-important attitude and strong personality. For those who can spend a lot of time with their pets, they are perfect since they create quite strong relationships with their owners and may be prone to separation anxiety.