20 Rare Dog Breeds You Have Never Heard Of

7. Carolina Dog

After crossing the Bering Land Bridge into North America, native Americans named these unusual pups Carolina pups and raised them for millennia. Certain species still exist wild today close to the boundary between South Carolina-Georgia. They usually act wary of new members of the pack before they accept them as such. Considered among the most primitive canine breeds in North America, these amazing dogs are sometimes known as American dingoes. Their physical traits consist in a medium-sized, well-proportioned body with pointed ears and a unique fish-hook shaped tail. Reminiscent of their wild forebears, Carolina dogs show amazing natural behaviours including pack hunting and den building. Their outstanding pack mentality and great problem-solving skills are well-known. Though they have primal roots, well socialised animals can be devoted and loving family members. For energetic owners who can offer lots of exercise and mental stimulation, their inherent hunting instincts and high energy levels make them great partners.

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