2. Chinese Crested

Chinese Crested dogs have an unusual look, however they are definitely recognisable. Other breeds cannot mistake their shaggy mane and speckled body for each other. Particularly for people who dislike strongly shedding animals, they are really pleasant and energetic, which qualifies them as family members. There are two variants of these refined and exotic-looking dogs: Powderpuff and Hairless. Whereas their torso is smooth, the Hairless kind has soft, silky hair on their head (crest), feet (socks), and tail (plume). The powder puff variety boasts a complete layer of smooth, silky hair. Though they have a delicate look, Chinese Crested dogs are highly nimble and active. They are amazing companion dogs and shine in agility contests. Their little footprint makes them ideal for apartment living, and their loving nature helps them to create close relationships with their human relatives. These canines are also quite intelligent and fast pickers of tricks.