While their protective nature is an asset, it also means that Cane Corsos require proper training and socialization from an early age. Their natural confidence can develop into assertiveness or even dominance if not properly managed. This is why it's crucial for owners to establish themselves as confident, consistent leaders. The breed's domineering nature can be seen in their intense gaze, which seems to convey a clear message of "don't mess with me." Training a Cane Corso requires a firm but fair approach. These dogs are intelligent and capable of learning complex commands, but they need an owner who can maintain consistent boundaries and rules. Early socialization is particularly important to ensure they can distinguish between genuine threats and normal, non-threatening situations. Despite their intimidating appearance and protective nature, Cane Corsos can be incredibly gentle and patient with their family members, particularly children they've been raised with. However, due to their size and strength, all interactions with children should be supervised. Their protective instincts often extend to the youngest family members, making them excellent guardians for families.