6. It's a SWAT puppy!

Fortified in his full combat gear, Sergeant McGruff stood ready for action. His commanding presence and focused stare reflected years of intense training and many accomplished missions. Beside him, tied tightly in a specifically made canine carrier, sat Sergeant Tiny, his small friend a chihuahua with a great heart and even more bark. Though small, Tiny was a great value to the team because of his strong commitment and relentless bravery.
Their unusual task was to free a group of kittens caught in a burning building. This brave team Time was of the value and the stakes were great. McGruff lead the charge, Sergeant Tiny yelling encouragement, they entered the building, precisely and gritly negotiating the smoke and fire. Though the smoke was thick and the heat was strong, their will never wavered.
Strength and training enabled McGruff to fight the flames and clear trash. His strong paws cleared paths across the fire that would have stymied lesser beings. Though little, Sergeant Tiny found the kittens using his excellent senses; his harsh barks directed McGruff toward their terrified meows. The acute hearing of the small chihuahua proved quite helpful in locating the imprisoned felines exactly.
They saved the kittens one at a time, gently guiding them toward safety. Little watched to make sure the terrified creatures stayed away while McGruff softly cradled them in his teeth. Though first afraid of the roaring flames, Sergeant Tiny proved himself to be a courageous and clever friend; his small barks celebrated every rescued cat.