If you're concerned about radiation, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Firstly, make sure you keep as far away from the radiation source as possible. Secondly, stay indoors when possible. You can also take a shower and change your clothes to avoid exposure. If you're unable to do these things, you should consult a radiation specialist. Read on to learn more about how you can protect yourself.
Distance yourself as much as possible from a radiation source
If you are in a medical setting where you may be exposed to radiation, it is best to distance yourself from the source as much as possible. This will greatly reduce the dose you receive. Distance yourself from the source by avoiding walls, windows, and doors. Avoid touching the source with your hands, as this can cause an increase in the dose. Also, avoid ingesting radioactive materials, as this can result in internal dose.
If you can't avoid the radiation source, you should move to the center of the building or the basement. Basements are usually safer than other rooms. You should also listen for emergency instructions. First responders and radiation workers should wear protective clothing and respirators to protect their skin.
Taking a shower
After being exposed to radiation, it is imperative that you take a shower to decontaminate your skin and clothes. This process can remove up to 95 percent of the radiation. However, you should be sure to avoid using water that contains conditioner, as this can bind radioactive material to your hair and prevent it from being rinsed out easily.
Taking a shower is also important for people who have been outdoors during a nuclear event. This step is important because radioactive materials tend to adhere to your skin and clothing. If you are not able to take a shower after being exposed to radiation, you should remove your shoes and clothing. You should also avoid touching any parts of your body that are exposed to radiation, such as the face.
Washing your clothes
The best way to protect yourself from radiation is to wash your clothes thoroughly and often. A simple wash will remove about 90 percent of radioactive material from your clothing. Make sure to wear long sleeved shirts and long pants. Also, cover your face and head with something to protect yourself from radiation. Washing your clothes is a good way to reuse them.
After your shower, change your clothes. Avoid letting your children wear dirty clothes and shoes in the house. If your kids are outside, they should remove their shoes and clothing in the garage before coming inside. If your children have been playing in the rain, make sure they get straight into the shower.
Staying inside during a radiation emergency
When radiation threatens your home or workplace, the best thing to do is stay inside. You can do this by locking doors and windows, closing vents and forced-air heating units, and going to a basement or middle floor room. Turn off the furnace or forced-air heating unit and listen to local radio stations. If you cannot stay indoors, turn off the lights and lock windows.
If a radiation emergency occurs, stay inside until a radiation emergency official warns you to evacuate. After evacuating, take some steps to protect yourself and your family. First, remove your outer layer of clothing and wash your skin with water. Then, change into clean clothes. Secondly, avoid eating or drinking anything that may have absorbed the radiation. It's also a good idea to wash food and drink packages before you consume them.